Seasoned Equity Offering


Issuer retains control of timing and amount of each advance.
Provides access to equity capital without the complications of traditional offerings.
Typically priced off historical market prices and daily liquidity.
Can be used in conjunction with a Security-Backed loan to access capital up-front.

Control of Potential Dilution

Issuer can raise capital by issuing less shares as share price strengthens.
Resulting in less dilution and share overhang.


Lower legal.
Lower filing fees.
For one Equity Commitment transaction compared to multiple capital raises.

Market Acceptance

Can be used to enhance borrowing capacity and credit for issuer.
Can be used for private companies looking to go public and attract capital.
Provides comfort to the financial markets that the issuer has a long term capital support.

Anticipated Process Timeline

Week 1
Investor and company sign the Non Binding SEO term sheet.

Once signed, investors send Engagement letter to company.

Week 2
Investor conducts due diligence (financial, legal and operational).

Investor’s counsel sends legal draft to the company and its counsel.

Week 3 & 4
The company and its counsel render comments on the agreement.

Address any additional due diligence points and Investor completes due diligence.

Final draft of the agreement circulated.

Week 5

Note: Timing can be decreased depending on certain factors.

Shareholder Approval
Grant of issuance on non pre-emptive basis.
Standard board authority required in order to issue new equity.

Prospectus (if applicable)
Registration Statement may be necessary in order to enter into SEO
Free trading, full-registered shares must be available at the time of initial funding